For convenience, the new ŠKODA scooter can be folded up in a few simple steps. Collapsed, it measures just 49×42×11 centimetres and fits into the spare wheel well under the boot floor of the compact ŠKODA SCALA and ŠKODA KAMIQ if they are equipped with a breakdown kit. This ensures that the entire volume of the boot remains free for transporting luggage and shopping.
Rubber grips provide excellent support on the handlebars on the way to work, sports or the shops. Made of steel and aluminium, the ŠKODA scooter weighs less than five kilograms but can carry up to 100 kilograms.
As a mobility solution featuring the brand’s signature design and paint colours as well as the easy-to-use folding mechanism, the ŠKODA Scooter embodies the brand’s ethos as the Simply Clever company for the best mobility solutions. The scooter is available online from the Czech ŠKODA shop.
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